Building or Renovating

Building or Renovating

Your key asset when building or renovating

Our brokers have worked exclusively with some of Australia’s favourite builders and know the construction finance process back to front. Whether you are building for the first time or a seasoned developer, we find the right solution and handle the entire finance process so you can focus on your project. 


We make construction finance simple

Construction Contracts, Building invoices, Valuations and Payment deadlines it can all be a bit overwhelming. At BLVD we hold your hand through the entire construction process, ensuring all your bases are covered.  


Maximise cashflow and save money whilst you build

When building cashflow is key, at BLVD we have a wide range of specialized loans for building and renovating. Whether you’re completing a small renovation or undertaking a complete home build we ensure you have the right home loan and right amount of funds to complete your project.  

Helpful FAQs

Mortgage brokers are the finance professionals who work for YOU, not for the bank. That being said, it’s the banks who pay our fees, not you.

Over the course of a lifetime you may upgrade, downgrade, purchase an investment property, need to consolidate your loans for various reasons. Your mortgage broker can be there every step of the way to sort you out the best and most competitive loan options every time.

Consider us your trusted advisers in the mortgage process.

A formal pre-approval is a critical step in purchasing property – it’s when a lender gives you an approved amount to borrow based on a full assessment of your financial situation.

What this means is that you can attend auctions and know what your price limit is and how much your repayments would be at a certain price range. Even if you’re borrowing a small amount, a formal pre-approval is a good idea. You’ll know exactly how much you have to play with, putting you in a stronger position to negotiate with a vendor or bid at auction.

There are different kinds of pre-approval – it’s important you get a formal, written pre-approval. Once you have it, you can negotiate or bid under almost the same conditions as a cash contract.

Be wary of any website that offers you a pre-approved home loan without taking the time to assess your financial situation. We can organise your home loan pre-approval for a loan that matches your personal situation and financial goals.

A home loan’s interest rate will either be a variable rate that moves up or down or a fixed rate that stays the same during the loan term. Variable is the most popular loan type in Australia because of it’s financial versatility. Variable interest rates will shift many times during the lifetime of a loan; which will lower and increase your repayments. Many variable rate products offer flexible options to maximise your savings and minimise how much interest you pay.

With a Fixed interest rate loans you can lock in an interest rate so you know exactly what your monthly repayments will be. A fixed rate home loan is great for anyone who wants certainty about what their monthly repayments will be.

With each type of loan there are positives and negatives. You can also structure your loan to be a combination of both fixed and variable. It’s important to talk to your broker about which type of loan is best for you.

A credit file is kept for any person who has borrowed money for a credit card, a mortgage or a car over the past seven years.

Your credit file is updated every time you apply for new credit. This credit history impacts on whether or not a credit provider will approve your loan. How much importance is placed on it will depend on the lender.

If you’re applying for a home or business loan, it’s a good idea to get a copy of your credit file before you apply for a loan. You can apply for your credit profile online at for a small cost. Getting a copy of your credit information file will assist you in understanding, assessing and managing your own credit-worthiness.

In Australia, even if you have a negative credit history, you might still be able to secure a competitive home loan. Make sure you’re aware of all your options. Your broker can help you with this, and select the best lender for your situation.

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